1) Place pencils side by side and tie them together at each end so that there's several feet of string free.
2) Set the pencils down, place M&Ms in the middle and place each loose string over an ear.
3) When the clock starts, player will raise the pencil elevator by pulling 1 string with the right hand, the other with the left hand.
4) Strings may not be placed into the same hand, stepped on, crossed, or wrapped around any object other than the hand or fingers.
5) If candy falls at any time the player loses.
6) To complete the game, player must get all 3 candies into the mouth within the 60-second time limit.
- 2 pencils
- 2 pieces of string
- at least 3 M&M candies
- M&M'S® Brand ChocolateCandies ®/TM trademarks©Mars, Incorporated 2010